It is important for us to recognize our Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) alumni after they graduate from Priceville High School. We plan to ask our alumni members to speak, coach, judge, and donate to our FBLA.
We are looking forward to the support, encouragement, and advice our current FBLA members will receive from our alumni.
Noelle Sabine offers advice to our members about community service, competitions, networking, communication, and how to make the best of the opportunties PHS FBLA offers. Thanks, Noelle, for your fantastic insight!
⇐Please click on Noelle's pictures to view her video.
Rebecca Rotermund was a very active FBLA member at PHS and provided great tips about networking and competing. She even mentioned the famous China pin!! Rebecca is majoring in elementary education. We appreciate her taking time to give us great advice.
← Please click on Rebecca's picture to watch her video
Abby Moore offered fantastic advice to our members. She emphasized the importance of getting involved and gave specific instructions about competing. She explained how her leadership experiences in FBLA prepared her for holding offices in Student Government in college. We appreciate your advice, Abby!
⇐ Please click on Abby's pictures to view her video.
This is a custom app called Alumni Directory that is present on the page. Please work with your Implementation Consultant or join a Best Practice Workshop on how to add the content using Composer best practices.