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College Campus Visits

College Campus Visits

Juniors are allowed one college day visit; seniors are allowed two.

Most colleges and universities require registration for campus visits.  Contact the college or university you want to visit to schedule your visit.

Requirements for taking a college visit day on a school day:

  • Normal attendance policy applies.
  • Student must return with documentation on official college letterhead, which must include the student’s name and the date of the campus visit.  The documentation should be turned into the attendance secretary.
  • The absence will be counted as a field trip, with the following exceptions:  
    • The student has already used all of his/her allotted college days, in which case, the absence will be counted as excused rather than a field trip.
    • The student has over 10 absences and requires a doctor’s note for any absences.  This is applicable per class period.